Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cell Phones Overtake...

You walk through a store, go to church, sit in the park, take notes in class, have dinner at a restaurant....and what is always with you? A cell phone. It sits next to. It is attached to you. It fits in your pocket. It has it's own seat in your car. You treat it better than  your own friends and family. 

Why has your phone all the sudden become so important that it has to be with you ALL THE TIME or you think the world is ending. What happened to walking to your neighbors to see if they are home? What happened to sending a letter to talk with an old friend?

And most importantly what happened to talking. Why can't our society just talk to each other. I think eventually people are going to forget how to communicate properly and cell phones are contributing to that issue.

It's sad that our society can no longer function without a cell phone.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Living With Water


I drink approximately 8-10 cups of water a day...that's just a guess. But I also use water to brush my teeth, take a shower, wash my hands, clean a dirty spot off my shirt, AND many nights I pour out water from water bottles I didn't finish throughout the day.

Water is definitely taken for granted in my life. I am so thankful that I do not have to walk a mile to get water, and dirty water at that. I use water as if it will never end, when across the world people are dying of thirst because they don't have water. They make it through their day without a drink, without a shower, and probably without clean clothes. And here I am dumping water down the drain because it was the last inch in the bottle.

I have been over privileged as a child to be able to turn the faucet on and get water. I consider myself lucky and thankful, yet spoiled to have NEVER had to work for something so important. Not only do I have water at my beck and call but it also wont harm me. I can drink water in the United States out of a faucet and I can even swallow water in a lake and not get sick. But I think of the people in Malawi who get sick from their water. And yet they drink it because it's all they have access to.

I don't have to fight for my water. Now that I think of it there isn't much in my life I have had to fight for that would be life or death. But some people must fight for their water to keep their families alive.

I think it's about time I appreciate the simpleness of having water whenever I want it.

The Malawi People have struggled for Water